Friday, December 12, 2014

18 Months - Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!! I hope you are all getting in the holiday spirit and are gearing up for the big guy in the red suit to come and visit you soon.
Goodbye Warm Weather...Hello Mr. Winter
There has been a lot of stuff happening since my last update! Gone are the days of spending time at the lake, playing in my sandbox and splashing around in my pool. The cold weather is upon us now, so I have put away my sandals, shorts and t-shirts and switched them out for my winter coat, long pants, sweaters, and as much as I don't like mittens. (Not to worry though, I am an expert at taking my mittens off and saying "No" as I throw them on the ground!) One thing I do enjoy wearing is my winter hat, and if you try to take it off me when I am not ready to let it go I get upset! So, it isn't a big deal to see me running around my house wearing it...check me out lounging at home sporting my winter hat:
Household Chores..when do I start getting paid for all of this?
I love to help out around the house as much as I can. You know, like taking the cooking utensils out of the drawer and putting them where I think they should go! I also love the vacuum cleaner so much that I got one of my very own to use around the house. (Mom says if my vacuum cleaner actually sucked up dirt, she would have the cleanest carpets in Minnesota!) So far my record is vacuuming for 35 minutes straight!
Here I am in all my carpet cleaning glory:
Besides helping mom inside the house, I am actually a big helper when it comes to yard work! I don't know what my dad would do without my help and supervision. Before the snow fell, I helped my dad with the fall yard work. I have my own lawnmower to use, but sometimes I need to use the big one, because after needs some help! (For some reason it doesn't make the loud noises when I use it though, only when dad does...I think he is using it wrong!)

With the falling of the leaves, it can only mean one thing...Halloween!  This year I went as the Great Pumpkin, and I didn't mind having my costume on at all. I helped with handing out candy to everyone that came by our house, and I even got to go trick-or-treating to the neighbor's house. I didn't really understand it though, when they put a piece of candy in my bucket, I took it out and put it back in theirs...this happened a few times and everyone would laugh!

Ready, Set, SWIM!
I have been taking swim class and after this weekend I will officially be a graduate of the Tiny-Tots Swim Class! If you ask me, this class was too easy. I have never had a fear of the water, so jumping in, dunking my head and splashing was a piece of cake for me. Mom and dad took turns being in the water with me, and the only time I get upset is when it is time for the class to be over and I have to get out of the pool. Since I liked the class so much, I get to take another class so I can keep up with my swimming!
Thanksgiving morning mom and I went to the Mall of America super early and did the 5k to End Hunger race. Since it was inside the mall before it opened, we didn't have to worry about the cold temps outside, so it was a perfect race, for a great cause! We raced for the Second Harvest Food Shelf that was able to donate close to $300,000.00 to help benefit the hunger relief efforts! That was a perfect start to the Thanksgiving holiday, because we have so much to be thankful for and helping others is always important!
Here we are after the race, enjoying the activities they had:
Reading Time
I still love reading...books, cards, the name it!
I love getting cards in the mail, and my Great Aunt Kathy never forgets a holiday, which I love! Here I am reading my Halloween card, which caught my attention and as you can see, I really get excited:
I also got one for Thanksgiving too, which I needed to read mid-meal! I kept the card on my tray the whole time and enjoyed reading it over, and over, and over!
Besides Cards, I love reading a good book, or two..ok or maybe three at the same time! One of my favorite books right now is this big book called "100 First Words" I have to read it almost everyday before we sit down for dinner. Also, as you can see in the picture below I have learned how to ham it up for the camera, and flash my big smile!
As for the paper...well I like to read the ads as much as possible, after all Christmas is coming soon and I need to get my list started! Somehow the coupons got mixed in with the toy sections, and that just can't happen! No worries though, I toss them to the side and keep looking for the biggest toy I can find. I mean, I have been a good boy all year long, so I am sure Santa will be very generous!

 Ho Ho Ho!
Speaking of Santa...I was able to spend some time with the big guy and tell him all about the gifts I would like and that I have been a very good boy this year! He and I had a long conversation as there wasn't anyone in line behind us so I got all of his attention. He was so funny and kept tickling me to make me laugh...oh, and he even let me touch his beard too! I promised I would leave him milk and cookies along with some carrots for his reindeer to have!
From my family to yours, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year!!


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