Monday, March 16, 2015

21 months!

Since my last blog at the beginning of December a lot has been going on in such a short amount of time! I have been on many adventures, outings and am learning new things daily!
I ended up getting to celebrate Christmas 3 times, so as you can imagine each one was exciting and I of course was spoiled to no end!
Christmas #1: Frequent Flyer Once Again - NC Bound!
Once again I got to fly the friendly skies...this time my destination was North Carolina! We went around Christmas so we could spend time with my Grandma and Grandpa (my dad's parents) that live there. My Auntie Joy and Uncle Shawn joined my mom, dad and I on the trip and once again I did great on the flight there and took a nice little snooze while we flew high above the clouds to our destination!
From the moment we arrived at my Grandma and Grandpa's house I was non-stop spoiled! My Grandpa always made sure I had a cookie in my hand at all times, and my Grandma had so many toys and books for me to play with it was crazy! She even introduced me to my mom's favorite Christmas show..."The Christmas Story"! Yes, there is a picture of it...because my mom loves that show!
My Grandpa thought that I needed something besides the play kitchen my mom got me, so he decided to one-up her and got me a Black and Decker work bench! (I am not sure who enjoyed it more...Grandpa or me!) 
Zoo Time...NC Style!
We decided to take advantage of the warm(er) weather and spend some time outdoors...what better activity then going to the Zoo! It was a beautiful day compared to the weather back home, so we enjoyed a full day outing of seeing the Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My...but my favorite thing was the polar bears and the gorillas!
Christmas Time #2: Home for the Holidays!
On Christmas Eve dad had to work for part of the day, so mom and I went and surprised him at his office. We brought him lunch and I got to run around and say hi to everyone in his office! Once he got off of work, we hung out at home and had to watch "The Christmas Story" again...because of course that is my mom's favorite show. Dad isn't a fan, but puts up with it once a year...for the full 24 hours it is shown on TV! Yes, my mom likes to have it on for the full 24 doesn't matter if we are watching or not, she has to have it on! After the 10th time hearing "You'll shoot your eye out" my dad was about done while my mom just smiled and was happy!
On Christmas Eve we kept up with our family tradition and opened up one gift that night...our Christmas PJ's! Mine were extra special because my Auntie Joy picked them out especially for me to wear!
The next morning was Christmas Day and Santa was very good to me! Here I am with my dad's help opening up my stocking.

Once the Santa gifts were looked through, my Auntie Joy and Uncle Shawn came over for brunch and we opened up gifts! After that we spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing! While opening up presents I had to hold and hug each and every one of them!
Christmas Time #3: Australia or Bust!
The third and final Christmas was a little later than usual because my Grandma and Grandpa (my mom's parents) had just returned home from being in Australia for the close to three months. My cousin, Dominic flew home with them as he is now attending college in ND, so I get to see a lot more of him now, and of course help with with fixing things at Grandma and Grandma's house!!
Enjoying the fun things!!
Our winter wasn't a bad one this year, and when we finally got snow we took full advantage of it and put my sled that Santa brought me to good use!
I enjoy being outside and playing in the snow, so we made sure to get out and have as much fun as we could this past winter!
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While some days were down right cold here, we didn't let that stop us from having fun!
We we went to the indoor rugby games:
Played at the indoor playground:

 Played with toys at home too:
I even got my first baseball lesson for my soon to be coach (my neighbor, Jim!):
For Valentine's Day we got up early and went to the famous doughnuts place for was packed, so we took our goodies to go. Oh boy, did I enjoy them!! It is a very rare treat to get a doughnut for breakfast so we all enjoyed the special treat!!
And, what is more fun then simply hanging out with my family and making funny faces for the camera  with daddy (and borrowing mommy's scarf??) ha!!
Until next time...have a great St. Patty's Day tomorrow! (We are having corn beef!! Yummy!!)



  1. he is having the life I wanted him to have . Fun and family.members

  2. he is having the life I wanted him to have . Fun and family.members
