Wednesday, September 17, 2014

12-15 Month Update!

Excuse me, do I have cake on my face? ha-ha
Well, my first birthday came and went...and one thing is for sure, I LOVE cake! My Auntie Joy made my main birthday cake, and a special little one just for me! The little John Deere tractor on my main cake is very special, as my great-grandpa Vincent had it on his 92nd birthday cake! (He saved it and gave it to me as a special keep sake!)

The party was a great time, and everyone gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday" to me and watch me eat my cake (and get messy!!). Here are some shots of me enjoying my cake:
Lake Time
For the 4th of July weekend, we all packed up and headed to the lake for some much needed down time! My Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Joy, Uncle Shawn, Mommy, Daddy and I went!  We stayed for almost a week, and just relaxed, had fun and lots of laughs! While there I enjoyed shoulder rides from my dad, playing in the water, and hanging out on the boat and getting spoiled! We didn't catch any fish, but the Smores were delicious!

Summer time Fun
This summer has been a lot of fun and we have been enjoying out time outside. Here is some of the fun things I have done this summer:
Brats at the Farmers Market...daddy's "breakfast of champions" as he calls it! We like to head to the farmers market on the weekends when we can to stock up on fruits and veggies that are all locally grown. Plus, all the beautiful flowers are fun to smell, and the people watching is always fun too!

I got a sandbox from my grandpa and I love playing in it. Yes, a lot of the sand ends up on the outside of the sandbox, but I have a blast playing in it so mommy and daddy don't mind!
I also got a pool this summer for my Godparents, and since I love my bath so much, I of course love playing in my pool!  I think the whole neighborhood can hear me squeal with excitement and laugh when I am in my pool!
My mom finished up coaching her summer men's league which my dad played on. I was at every game and was considered the assistant coach. All the guys loved me and I seem to get all the attention in the tent between games! (They tell me some day I will be captain of the team!)

My mom and dad have been bringing me to the man-made lake near our house that has a really nice beach. I love playing in the sand there too, and splashing around in the lake. The beach has been pretty quiet this summer, which is nice for me because I get to play with all the sand I want! (But for some reason Daddy won't let me put it in my mouth to eat!)

We went on a bike ride and stopped off at a local park to play for a little while on the way back home. I am not sure who had more fun, Daddy or me?
My mom bought me a kitchen play set, that is my new favorite toy to play with right now. As soon as I get home from daycare I make a rush over to play and start cooking everyone dinner on it. Maybe some day I will be a chef!
To finish off the summer, my favorite treat is watermelon...a true summertime snack! I tend to get really messy and sticky while eating it, but I enjoy it so that is all that matters!
Two last pictures, one  of me enjoying spaghetti night at home! (Yes, my shirt is taken off and I get really messy and enjoy every minute of it! So does my mom and dad as they laugh and laugh and take tons of pictures of me!) The other is of me about to enjoy my favorite summer grilling food...brat with sauerkraut and grilled veggies! (The sauerkraut is my favorite part!)

Watch out...I am walking!
I just started walking, and now that is all I love to do! I have a new freedom and am able to get around the house really fast now. Mom wasn't ready for me to grow up this fast, but I sure was! I don't like to be carried around anymore, so going from place to place takes a little extra time now because I like to walk by myself!
Here is a video of my first steps!
Words, Words and More Words
My favorite word to say right now is "stop" and "ahh-huh" along with "tickle tickle" and "puppy". When you ask me what a puppy says, I will answer with "woof woof"!
I am a talking machine and if you ask me questions I will answer you back with babble, needless to say everyone likes having conversations with me!
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. ..I love watching him grow up .. he is definitely adventure driven .....
