Saturday, June 14, 2014

1 Year Old!!

I am officially 1 years old!!! I have had a crazy and fun first year, and one thing is for sure I love to be active! I have seen a lot of things, gone to different places but most importantly I am happy, healthy and growing!

Before I give you a recap of the past month, here are my "Top Ten" of the year (remember my first post ever...I decided I needed to do a Top Ten again, 1 year later!)

1. Music -  From the beginning until now, I love my music and enjoy listening to it as I drift off to sleep every night! My mom sings me "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and for some reason that always calms me down, it has from day one!

2. Water - Doesn't matter if it is a bath or the swimming pool, I love to kick and splash every chance I can!

3. Food -  From the very beginning I like pretty much like anything, with the exception of eggs and jar baby food! (I think I was spoiled with the homemade food!)

5. Dog - I love my dog, Java! From day 1 at home, she sleeps in my room with me, always has to be near me to protect me, and is nice enough to share her toys!

6. Talking - I am definitely a chatter-bug and I love to tell stories - from the minute I wake up until I fall asleep. My favorite words I say are Mama, Dada, and Go.

7. Reading - Doesn't matter if it is a book, card or the newspaper, I love to "read" and look at words!

8. TV - While I don't watch much TV, I still do love Jeopardy! (I have been told I have an old soul, so maybe it is true...most kids watch cartoons, but not me!)

9. On the Go - I never stop moving...I crawl, walk around things, roll, or do whatever it takes to get where I need to go! I don't sit still for too long, no wonder my favorite word to say is "go"!

10. Love - I feel so lucky to be loved by so many people in my life. Whether they are close by, or on the other side of the world, I am one very lucky boy who is loved by many!

Now - onto my recap of the past month:

Frequent Flyer

So, to keep up with my ever exciting list of activities I have done, I can now check off flying to Denver! Grandma, Mom and I packed up our stuff and flew off to Denver for a girl's trip (plus me, there was no way Grandma would leave me behind!). While there I got to meet my 2 Great Uncles, 2 Great Aunts and tons of cousins, not to mention I got spoiled beyond belief!

I was once again a great flyer and did awesome on the plane! Our flight was early in the morning, so I slept for most of the flight and everyone around us said how great of a boy I was on the plane!
I got to go for my first wagon ride, given to me by my Great Uncle which I loved, and I think he enjoyed strolling me around his neighborhood too!
I also received some great words of advice from my Great Uncle and heard all about the funny things my Mom did when she was little!
My Great Aunt and I hung out at the park and shared a snack together on our blanket! It was a great time, and the view of the mountains in the background was the best! After our little picnic on the blanket, we headed over to the park and I enjoyed swinging on the swings as my cousin Ryan pushed me.

I even made a new friend in Denver, Billy the Dog! He would follow me around and play with me all day long! He even shared his water and food with me, but for some reason no one would let me try his food. I did enjoy taking his water dish and dumping it all over me and splashing in the water...a few times!
After 4 1/2 days in Denver (filled with swimming, family, laughs, swings, wagon rides, and lots of hugs and kisses), it was time to say our goodbyes and head back home, as my dad was missing me (and mommy too)! So, we flew back home to MN and dad met us at the airport. I think everyone heard me when I saw my dad because I squealed with excitement to see him! Once again, on the flight home I did great and even took a little cat nap mid-flight.


My hair was getting out of control, so it was time for another haircut, I had my first haircut over Christmas, but this time we went to an actual Barber Shop! I sat on my dad's lap and all the barbers thought I did a great job and would clap and make me smile.

I love feeding myself, so all meals have to be finger food for me now. My favorite thing is playing with pasta, so spaghetti night is a lot of fun for me, and messy for mom and dad! I learned how to slurp the noodles in my mouth and when I did it the first time it caught me off guard, and mom and dad laughed. I got the hang of it, and I had spaghetti all over my face, hair, hands, bib and even my dog had some on her! (I think she likes that I feed myself now, because she gets extra dinner now too)
Oh, and I got to try Nutella for the first time too, and I LOVED it! Big shout out to my Great Aunt Sheila for introducing it to me! I get really excited when I get some on my toast in the mornings as a "Special Breakfast Treat"!
Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who has read my blog this whole year! Turning 1 is an exciting time for me, as I am a toddler now, and no longer a "baby". The year flew by and I am so lucky to have experienced so much and had the chance to see and do so many things so far. But, again, most importantly I am happy, healthy and growing. I am loved by so many, and I am reminded everyday how much I am loved. My mom and dad tell me that I grew under their hearts, and they waited for me for so long because we were meant to be together as a family. Before I was born, I was loved by so many people and that is the reason I am such a special boy to so many people!
Thank you all for loving me! is time to eat my BIRTHDAY CAKE!


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