Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A whole lot of firsts!! (Teeth, Christmas & a Haircut!)

Happy New Year!!
I thought I would update a little earlier than usual this month because a lot has been going on...be ready, this is a long one, you have been warned!!

First off, I officially have 2 teeth now! Sorry, there is no pictures with my new pearly whites...But we will keep trying to get a picture of them for you all to see! Let me tell you, getting teeth is not fun and no one warned me how hard it would be! But, once they broke through the skin I felt so much better and everyone got some much needed sleep. (Did you know you can go 3 days without sleeping at night? Unlike my parents I can snooze during the day, but you should have seen them...they looked like walking zombies! ha)

I am officially 19 lbs and close to 29" long...off the charts in height by close to 2 inches, can you believe it? My pediatrician said I am going to be on TALL boy! During my visit I had a cough and they decided I needed to use a nebulizer. I wasn't very happy about that, but they say it is the best for my health. So, we got to bring our very own machine home with us to use when I need it to help with my breathing. (Not to worry, it isn't as bad as it sounds...it is more for when I get a cold!)
"Luke, I am your father"

Wow, Christmas time was crazy fun....there was so much stuff to look at both on the tree and under it!
We put up a Christmas tree at home, and once there were gifts under the tree, I was all about helping. (By helping I mean trying to unwrap them!) I loved looking at the lights on the tree, and the gifts were fun to try and grab at!
Here I am trying to "help" with the gifts under the tree...as you can see I got caught in the act!
Caught in the act!
We opened presents at our house the on the 23rd, and I surprised my dad with a new rugby bag that he can use for his games! I am not sure who liked it more, my dad or me....who knew you could have so much fun  with a bag! I sat in the bad and didn't want to get out, so dad figured out a new way to carry me around the house, which I giggled about the whole time!
My favorite toy, sorry Dad!
Take me for another ride!

Shhh...I am hiding!

After our Christmas celebration at our house, we packed up and drove to my Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas Eve  for the celebration to continue!
I got two new outfits for the holiday:
"What Santa doesn't bring me, Grandma Will"
My 1st Christmas!
And, I got two new bibs to wear to from my Great Aunt...
After all the Christmas fun was over, we asked my Great Aunt Susie to give me my first haircut...the little tuft I had growing on the crown on my head was getting just a little long! So, to keep with tradition in the family, Susie gave my my 1st Haircut!!
First Snip!
Are we done yet?
That wasn't so bad!! Check out my handsome haircut!

As for New Years, well I made it until about 8pm before I decided to call it a night! I celebrated early before going to bed, after all I can't tell time yet! Instead of  "bubbly" I opted for some formula and as celebration snack I had some delicious peaches!
Happy New Year everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. i was finally able to look at it again after about four months now
