Monday, December 16, 2013

6 Months!!

6 months...can you believe it??

I am officially a half a year old already, and looking back a lot has happened in 6 months of life!  I weigh in at 19lbs, and still growing like crazy!! I have to wear 9 month pants because I am so long now and I have already outgrew two pairs of shoes that are supposed to be for up to 12 months!

This month brought a lot of first for me!

1. Food: I tried more veggies this month, and so far I have not found a veggie I don't like! If anything I get really excited to eat them. To date, I have tried (and loved) sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and avocado! (Ok, Avocado is considered a fruit, but it is green, and a good way to introduce fruits I guess!) Next month I get to try fruits!

2. Toes: I found my toes and they are my new favorite thing to play with! I like to pull my socks off every chance I can get, just to grab my feet and stick them in my mouth! (Which now makes changing my diaper more of a challenge which is funny to me!!)

3. Not So INSIDE Voice: I have figured out how to be LOUD!! When I get excited I like to make a high pitch squeal that sometimes will make your ears hurt! I do this a lot when I see my dog near me. At first made my loud squeal would scare my dog, but she has come to realize that noise is just me excited and she just goes along with it!

4. Sippy Cup Time: I have a Sippy cup now, but really I just think it is something to play with....and I like it when I am able to get water out of it too! I might not have mastered how it works yet, but I sure to like to play with it and chew on the top!

5. Thanksgiving: My first Thanksgiving was fun...while everyone else ate turkey and all the fixings I got to eat carrots which I didn't mind, and they are my top favorite thing to eat so far. I was able to watch a little bit of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, but found myself being bored with it and decided to play with my feet instead!!

6. Christmas time is coming: I am already realizing that this whole Christmas time is a pretty cool deal! There are presents under the tree, and I love touching them and I am looking forward to playing with the wrapping paper as soon as I am able to actually open them up!

7. Santa: I visited Santa  and while I wasn't too sure if I would like him, it was fun! My cousins from Australia are home for the holiday so they hung out with me and Santa so I wouldn't be scared!

8. Sports: I am really liking sports already! I love watching the Viking's games and I recently went to a hockey game, which I really liked! I squeeled the whole time and everyone around us thought I was louder than the hockey whistle!

My dad and I like to watch rugby together too...but since they don't show it on regular TV channels, we have to live stream it on our tablet...but he always makes sure I get to see some of the game. (He is good at sharing!)

Well, that is all for this month...I am sure I will have a ton more to update next month once Christmas comes and I get to check out all the presents and play with the paper!!Until then, Happy Holidays and wishing you all a very happy New Year!!

Love, Donovan

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