Friday, February 14, 2014

8 Months old and growing strong...really strong!

 I am officially 8 months old now, and starting to really find my voice and I let it be known what I want now! I don't always like to be held as I am a rolling machine on the floor! While I am not crawling yet, it will not be long until I am mobile! I love rolling around on the floor and I can get pretty much anywhere if I set my mind too it! I have gotten up into a crawling position, and rock back and forth, but I am not ready just yet. (I have a feeling by next month that will be a different story!)
Here are some fun things that have been happening since my last update:
"BYOB...Bring your Own Baby (to Yoga class)"
My mom and I went to a Yoga class this past month, and it was a lot of fun, well for me anyway! The class was about an hour long and was packed with fun and made for a good workout! They had all the mom's do different yoga positions while holding their babies, not as easy as it sounds! We sang songs and then worked on flexibility to help with future crawling and walking!  Here is me after the yoga you can see I love it!

Two more are on the way! My two bottom teeth are officially in, and now my two top teeth are making their way through. Like last time, this means a lot of sleepless nights and lots of snuggle time. Seriously, this whole teething thing isn't fun...for anyone! But, we found a way to ease the pain a little, I got to try my first popsical! While I wasn't sure what to think of this ice cold thing, I ended up really liking it!
Click on the video link below to watch my reaction...and what a reaction it is! (Yes, this is my FIRST reaction to any kind of food!)
My favorite thing to do on Sunday morning is to drink coffee and read the paper! Wait...I drink formula, the adults drink the coffee!  But, I do love to help read the paper! This is what a typical Sunday morning in my house looks like! Sometimes I get so excited about an article or something in the Target ad that I scream really loud so everyone knows how I feel! (I am really pushing for my own remote, but I don't think anyone is taking me seriously!)

My Best Friend
My dog, Java, and I have become best friends, especially when I am eating Cheerios or Puffs! But, she loves me even when I am not eating in my highchair. She sleeps in my room every night and usually is laying right in front of my crib to protect me. She loves running up and down the hallway and stopping right in front of me, then I giggle and she does it again...we could do this all night long, but she usually gets tired out after about 10 times.

And finally, last but not least...Introducing Donovan the Dancer! As always, I really love music, and am not starting to feel it too...I thrust my hips and jump up and down while listening...but note that I am picky about music. If you play a song without any techno sounds I doesn't like it!  Daft Punk is currently one of his favorite bands but I like The Final Countdown song a lot too! Here is a video of me showing off my dance moves!
Well, that is about it for now...Until next month!
PS - Happy Valentine's Day!!

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