Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One Month Old!

I am officially one month old, and doing great! I am now 22" long and weigh in at almost 10 pounds! (See I told you I like to eat!)
Here is what has been happening so far since my last post:
TALKING: I am starting to find my voice! I squeak a lot, especially in my sleep and when I stretch. Also, I am starting to coo now, and seem to be more vocal when I am on my activity mat and am stimulated.
EYE MOVEMENT: I am tracking things more with my eyes now. I like to follow your face as you move from side to side and if you talk, I turn my head to where the noise is coming from.
MUSIC: I still love music, and I have some new tunes that I am listening to that are pretty cool!They are called ROCKabye Baby, and  it is rock music made baby-friendly and sounds like nursery music. There are no words, just the melody of the songs slowed down and they sounds so gentle. Yes, I did find Don't Stop Belivin' by Journey, and it is pretty good! I have a variaty of song from ROCKabye Baby like songs from the Beetles, Journey, Pink Floyd, KISS, U2, The Eagles...and many more!
BASEBALL: My first baseball game! I went to my first amateur baseball game over the 4th of July weekend, and had a blast! The weather held up so we headed to the ball park for some brats and baseball. I hear I get to attend my first Twin's game soon too, and if I am lucky I get to go and visit the dugout too!
RUGBY: I attended my first rugby game, and was lucky to be named the assistant coach too! My dad played and my mom coached, so I got to help out! She put me in my baby bjorn and I was happy and cozy and got to check out the game and I loved it! (I actually loved it so much I had a blow-out in my diaper! ha) My dad's team was so excited to meet me that they even got me in on their team picture and sung me a little tune to welcome me to their family.
SLEEPING:  I am getting better at sleeping, and I officially slept through the night last night! We will see how long that lasts, but it is a start! Maybe this whole being on a schedule thing really does help me out, as I am getting better and better at sleeping as the weeks go by!
PICTURES: My mom took my 1 month pictures, and I was a good boy for her while she did them, although I just slept right through them, so I made it easier for her! Check them out below, as I think they turned out really nice!

Well, that is about it for now...I am sure I will have plenty to update you all on as I am grow bigger and stronger in the coming weeks!
Until then...
1 Month Old!
Check out my big feet!! 

Little Hands
Sleeping away!
Dreaming about Rugby!

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