Thursday, June 27, 2013

My first two weeks...

Wow, a lot has happened in my first two weeks of being born! Here is the top ten things that have happened so far: (I sound like I should be on Letterman!)
1. I took my first flight, and I am happy to say that I did GREAT! The Delta flight attendant was so amazed that I slept the whole flight and didn't even make a sound the whole time! I received the title of "Best traveler" by the flight crew, and they can't wait to see me again.
2. I was greeted at the airport by family and mom's best friend, who I now call Uncle Jimmy! (I have been told he is a pretty big coach in the rugby world, and he mentioned that I will start my training soon! ha) Everyone cheered and was happy to finally meet me, there were a lot of tears over me! (I was told my Grandpa canceled his trip to Germany just to meet me!)
3. My first storm! There was a big storm, that produced 60 mile an hour winds and flash flooding, so we lost power for over 24 hours. But, I was safe and sound and slept right through the whole thing, although I hear it was hard to change my diaper with candle light and flashlights!The thunder didn't bother me one bit!
4. I had my first bath, and didn't cry until it was time to get out! I really like the water and am thinking I may have to get signed up for swimming lessons in the future.
5. I had my first pediatrician appointment in MN and met my new doctor. She was really nice, and said I must like to eat because I now weigh in at 8lbs, and 13oz! (Did I mention I like to eat??) I also grew in length too, I am getting close to 21" long already!
6. I have become a man...well, so I am told by the doctors! I went into the pediatrician again and got circumcised...NOT fun! But, I took it like a trooper and am doing good. I get a little fussy from time to time, but I am already starting to feel better.
7. I have become very picky!  I like to drink 3 ounces and an additional 3 gulps before I am satisfied. (I call it a 3&3!)
8. I am loving my tummy-time activity set that I use 2-3 times per day to stimulate my mind, and help strengthen my neck muscles. (I can hold my head up pretty well already, so my neck is getting stronger)
9. Sounds...I like the sound of running water when I am fussy, it helps me calm down right away! I also don't like when the house is quiet, as I get fussy so there is always music playing. Some of my favorites that I am listening to so far are Motzart, Bach, Beethoven, and the John Lennon! I am told that I will get to listen to some 80's power ballads soon though, and "Don't Stop Believin' by Journey is on the top of my list! (We are trying to find the nursery version of that song now.)
10. Friends, Friends and more Friends! Wow, you would think people here in MN have never seen a baby before! ha-ha! I was greeted by some high school girl's rugby players and their mom's that all offered to babysit me when the time is right! They held a special party in my honor, and I was the star of the show! I had a great time, and they all tell me I am the newest Super Fan for the team!

Well...there is my top ten for the first two weeks! I will be watching my first rugby game next week when my daddy plays, weather pending of course! Until next time - Donovan (AKA D-man)
My First Bath!

Lounging on my activity set!


  1. Donovan. You are doing amazing. I am sad to say i didnt get to meet you when you arrived in this world. Its a big place and you are going to be extremely overstimulated in the next few years! I cant wait to watch you grow. You must keep us washitonians updated on the cool things that go on in MN. Im so happy to hear you had safe travels and that you were able to make it through your first storm!! Bath time is fun but like your parents will show you swimming is way way cooler. Lol. Keep up to good work with your tummy time and your great interest in music. Hope to hear from you again soon!! Xoxo

  2. Thank you Alyce! I still love music and my bath time, so swimming is definitely on my to-do list!
    MN is great, the weather is really hot right now so I spend all day inside until it cools down at night then I get to go for a stroller ride. I hear the winters can get really cold though, so I have to wear this thing called a snow-suite....I wonder if it comes with a tie? ha
