Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 Months Old!

Turning 2 months was hard, I had to go to the pediatrician for my check-up and ended up getting shots. Lucky for me, the nurse was great and held my hand and talked me though it!
I weigh in at 13lbs and 5ounces and am 24 inches long already! My pediatrician says I am in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height!
Here is my 2 month picture...as you can see I have changed a lot since my 1 month picture!

I started daycare on Aug. 5th...which I enjoy a lot and get so worried I might miss something I forget I need to sleep during the day! (But I make up for it by sleeping all night!) I am having fun, and am lucky because it is a small home daycare so there are not a ton of kids there. Some days it is just me and one other child there, so I get a lot of one-on-one time! The first morning of daycare I was so excited to go that I threw up all over myself, and my mom! Of course, she had me in a "cute little outfit" she had laid out for my first big day...which I had to change out of since I got formula spit-up all over. So, she changed and I changed and we all hit the road to daycare! I didn't stay a full day, as I was picked up by 2pm since someone had a hard time leaving me...mom! But, she got the hang of it and now it is a daily routine and I am enjoying being there with my new friends. My daycare lady likes me a lot, and didn't want to see me leave for the weekend, but I promised her I would be back after the weekend, and when I did she was so excited she met me on the front steps of her house and said "Oh, D I missed you soooo much!" (Yep, I think she loves me!)
I went to my first BBQ which was held at my house. All the high school and college players from my mom and dad's rugby teams they coach came over to have an end of the summer season BBQ. I of course was the star of the show, and they all loved me! Here are the two captains from the college team holding me. (They call themselves "The Godfathers" and say it in a cheesy Boston accent!)

Another baseball game....which was fun. I made it until the 7th inning before I fell asleep, but woke up for the Friday Night Fireworks, and I wasn't even scared of them! (Although, I fell asleep again shortly after they started, but I did see a few of them!) The brats smelled good, but I wasn't allowed to have any, maybe next summer I will get to try them.

I was the assistant coach at another rugby game! It was a quick game, so I was able to come and help out and I really enjoyed myself. Now that I am more alert, I was cooing and smiling during the whole game. I received a lot of attention from the high school girl's who were playing, and I am pretty sure they all love me because they couldn't stop looking at me and saying "he is soooooo cute!" ha-ha They even wanted me in their team picture!

My first Irish Festival was this past weekend, and it was well...very Irish! We listened to Irish music, walked around looking at all the merchandise and watched the Irish dancers. I was dressed in a little green shirt to really fit in with the occasion of the festival. We went right when it opened up at 9am, so there was not a huge crowd, and the weather was perfect out.
I have figured out how to smile (without it being a gassy smile!) and I like to "Cooo" now a lot! Some days I can really talk up a storm and I smile a lot when I play peek-a-boo, when my dog comes over by me, when my diaper is off, or when I am in the bathtub. Everyone makes a big deal about me smiling and cooing, so I keep doing it as I think it is funny when they get all excited over me! 
Click on the this link to see and hear me talking! Donovan Talking!

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