Monday, June 13, 2016

3 Years Old!

I am officially three years old, and loving life! To keep with tradition, here are my top 10 things I am  doing now that I am the BIG 3:
(Drum roll please...)
Turning 3: Top Ten
1. Sledding - I have come to really enjoy sledding, and am not scared to go down the hill on my own! (Unfortunately, my mom and dad decided to get in on the action with me and we broke my sled! I tried to tell them that it is just for kids, but they seem to be kids at heart. Lucky for me, they bought me a new one!)

2. Family - I am so lucky to be able to spend time with my cousin's Dominic and Jessica! Dominic has moved back from Australia so he can go to college in the USA and I am excited to see him more and more! Jessica will graduate next year and she is thinking of coming back too!
These two love me more than ever, and I am so lucky I have them to look up to!

3. Children's Museum - I love every chance I get to go to the MN Children's Museum! They have so much fun things to do there, and the water tubes are one of my favorite (plus I get to wear this cool rain jacket!)

4. Cooking - I enjoy helping my mom and dad in the kitchen and I like to do everything myself! (Who knew mixing pancake batter could take 20 min??) I tend to make a mess a lot of the time, but mom and dad don't seem to mind as they see I am enjoying myself and that is all that matters. (Why can't they think that way when it comes to picking up my toys?)

5. Trains - Yes, I still love trains, they are my favorite! I was lucky to get to go on a train ride this year around the metro area, and I loved every minute of it. It was cold out, but inside the train it was warm! I think I smiled the whole time!

6. My Auntie Kimmy - This year was a hard one for Auntie Kimmy was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a very scary time, but we all stood by her and she has a big cheering section on her side. While she was so far away, we made sure she knew that we were "with her" every chance we got. We now wear our pink with pride and I am happy to report she is now cancer free!
(Fun Fact: My Auntie Kimmy and I are birthday buddies too, so we have a special bond together!)

7.  Zoo Time - I love going to the zoo and checking out the animals. Every time we go, I think I find a new favorite animal to add to my list. This summer it has been the giraffes. I am looking forward to seeing what other animals I can find and add to my list!

8. Rugby  - No surprise that I still enjoy rugby! My mom has still been coaching her college boys and I make a great assistant coach! (These are the same boys that she coached when they were in high school, so they have become family to us!) The guys are really nice and always make sure to include me in their season group photo!

9. Lake - I enjoy every chance I can to go to the lake and enjoy time in the water, eating s'mores, fishing, boat rides and of course eating popsicles with my grandpa!

10. Adventures  - My mom and dad love taking on on adventures as much as possible! Recently we went on a weekend car trip to explore some trails and check out some new state parks. We had a great time, and I enjoy getting out and seeing all the new areas! We have already started our list for next summer!

Well, that is it for my top 10 for this year...stay tuned to see what new adventures I will be on!
Have a great summer!
- Donovan

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