Friday, December 18, 2015

2 1/2 Years!

Hello everyone...hope you didn't forget about my blog! 
Can you believe it, I am 2 1/2 years old and growing bigger, stronger and smarter everyday. 

Since my last blog post, my busy world has been filled with so much excitement and new adventures, where do I start? Well, let me take you month by month...


We celebrated Father's Day by taking my dad out for breakfast at one of his favorite places and spending the day doing all the activities that he enjoys. (It's a good thing he likes ice cream as much as I do!)

We hit up a few festivals and took advantage of the beautiful MN weather as much as possible. The best part of festivals....the music! As you know, I do enjoy my music, and any chance to show off my dance moves is always a plus! I was lucky enough to go on stage and show everyone just how great of a dancer I the video, I think you will agree with me! 

What would the 4th of July be without being on a boat...with snacks! We enjoyed a wonderful day on the water and did some fishing as well as swimming. I tried to stay awake for the fireworks, but after a full day outside, I was wiped out! 

My cousin Dominic graduated from Basic Training for the Army! My Auntie Kim and Uncle Kevin (his parents) flew in for the graduation and I was able to see them at the airport and spend time with them again! I have grown so much since they last saw me in person, but I remembered them because I see them on FaceTime a lot! Lucky for me, I will be seeing them again at Christmas time, and I can't wait!

On of my favorite places to go is the MN Children's Museum, and since August was filled with a lot of rainy days, we spent a lot of time there.  I enjoy running through the ant holes, playing in the forest, playing the piano and of course my ultimate favorite, playing at the water stations! 

Have you ever wondered what grandparents do when they are left unsupervised with their grandchild? Well, my parents sure learned what happens...Grandpa buys a drum set and sets it up! Yep, that is right, I am one spoiled little boy and have my very own drum set to play with! (I find that playing them as loud as possible works the best!)

It is with a sad heart that I say September didn't start out the best for us. After 12 1/2 years, our dog Java passed away to a better place. She was getting old and was failing so my mom and dad decided that it was time for her to be without pain anymore. She was a great dog, and would never leave my side. Just like she has done since my first day home, I know she is still watching over me. I love you Java!

Excuse me, do I have something on my face? I waited until my mom looked away to write something on her grocery list to take advantage of some freedom and painted my face with yogurt. As you can tell, I did a great job and managed to get it all over. I was too quiet when doing it, and my mom knew right away something was up...but seeing how much fun I was having she let me continue to have fun until it was all gone, and then I ended up getting to take a bath....a bubble bath! (I call this a win-win on my end!)

Choo Choo...All aboard! I am obsessed with trains, so much so that sometimes that is all I talk about. So, we decided for family day we would go on a real train ride! It was the perfect day, the fall leaves were in full color and the weather was perfect! We hopped onto the train for a full hour long train ride, and the conductor even let me try out his train whistle!

Speaking of train whistles, I enjoyed it so much on the train that I got one of my very own! Check out the video, as you can see I was super excited to try it out! (Since the video, I have mastered how to use it and boy do I like to use it...especially early in the mornings!!)

Halloween was so much fun this year...I got all dressed up as Thomas the Train (I know, a train...who would have guessed!) and got to go Trick-or-Treating for the first time, and I loved it! I didn't really understand it though, as my neighbors would give me candy and I would put it back in their bowl and say "No Thanks". I only went to 5 hours, and that was more than enough candy to last me a while! 

The weather has turned cold, which means we get to hang out inside and watch football! I always make sure to have the best seat in the house, and it just so happens that my favorite spot is stilling on my mom! 

If you didn't know, I am a natural chef. I enjoy helping my mom and dad in the kitchen as much as possible! When they are not cooking, I keep up with my chef training and practice on my own. As you can see, I am a "master in the kitchen" and I always make sure to wear my chef's hat so I fit the part!

It's that time of the year...time for me to start picking out what I want from the big guy in the red suit! I received the Toys R Us catalog in the mail and I made sure to pick out all of the toys I wanted. I have been a very good boy this year, so I think that I made Santa's nice list for sure!

With the holiday season approaching, the visitors have started coming! My Uncle Josh flew in from Colorado to spend a long weekend with us, and any time I can get with him, I will take! He is so funny and always makes me laugh! Luckily for me, he will be back at Christmas, so I will get to spend a little more time with him!

My cousin Jessica arrived from Australia and my mom and I surprised her at her gate during her layover here in Minneapolis! She was so surprised that we were there, she screamed in excitement! I had a fun little sign I was holding for her to read when she walked off the plane too!

She is here for a whole month, and I can't wait to spend as much time with her as I can.

What is the holiday season without toys, toys and more toys! I have been such good boy, that I got my christmas gift early! (I got it early because my dad couldn't wait to give it to me...he is such a kid at heart, no wonder my mom loves him so much!)
You guessed it....something to do with trains! My very own TRAIN SET! 

"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"...Right now my favorite movie is the original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"! Some kids can't wait to see Santa at Christmas time, but me, well I wanted nothing to do with the big guy, and wanted only the Grinch, so I got what I wanted and I was so excited!

I hope you enjoyed my recap of things going on! Until next year....Merry Christmas to you and may you enjoy the blessings of the season and have a happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry took me forever to answer but I love all of the pictures and stories.
