Friday, June 12, 2020

7 Years Old!

 The BIG 7!

Can you believe I am officially 7? 
This year has been like non other to say the least. 
So, without further a-do, here are the top 10 things that have happened to me this year - half the year was normal, and then the last part of my year is COVID Addition 😃: 

1. Family....between a cold winter and COVID, we had a LOT of Family time this year, which I loved! 

2. A Message from The King! Yes...Hamilton is one of my favorite movies, so naturally I wanted to be King George for Halloween this past year! I mean, who doesn't want to be the King of the Candy! 
We decided to do a Star Wars theme for our pumpkins this year as well. (My dad gets all the credit for the idea, but I did the paint job!)

3.  Movies and two FAVORITE things! Every Friday we have a movie and pizza night. (yes, every Friday!) We decided since it was cold outside that we would have some fun and make our own movie-theater experience at home! This has now become a tradition in our home, and by selling food, tickets to the movie, my piggy bank is filling up!

4. Cooking..I love to help my mom out in the kitchen, and she now lets me do it all on my own! (I still haven't mastered the art of keeping a clean kitchen while cooking, but no one seems to complain!)

5. Trains...some things NEVER change, I love trains! There was a train expo in town so my mom decided we needed to go. It was so much fun and I of course wanted to buy every train possible! (Who knew model trains were so expensive!)

6. Riding my bike! The training wheels are officially off and I am ready to hit the big trails! Watch out because I like to ride fast, and stop quickly so my tires make marks! 
This was my first attempt at riding my bike without training wheels! Dad gave me a push, Mom recoded it and I was off and biking! 

7. School ...I officially completed first grade, and am very excited to be going into 2nd grade next year! We were only in school about 1/2 the year until the Stay At Home Orders went into effect! Luckily my mom made it home about a day before that happened from Vancouver - otherwise she would have been stuck there! She then became my teacher for the rest of the year, which wasn't so bad as she made it fun!
Learning and lounging! 

My mom decided it was too nice out to teach indoors, so she got creative for my writing assignment! 

My Uncle Dave (The Sheriff) made a guest appearance on my class zoom call! 

There was a drive-by parade at the end of the year so we made sure to have a big sign for all the teachers to see! 

8. Gardening.... I planted carrots, peppers, tomatoes for the summer (Which was part of my science experiment for school!) 

9. Unrest...A lot was going on in Minneapolis to say the least in May/June. The city was in a state of unrest, and my mom and dad made sure that I  understood and learned a lot about racial injustice. I am so thankful that my cousin, Dominic was in Minneapolis to help protect our communities (and that we were able to see him!) During the time of the unrest, I helped my mom do all of Dominic's Unit for the National Guard's laundry. We even had the opportunity to provide them all with a meal for dinner one evening. 

10. Summer Time! Like all the summers before, I enjoyed my time at the lake! (This year we spent more time than usual since we were all on Stay at Home Orders!) I truly enjoy being in the water, making smores and hanging out by the campfire! My favorite thing to do is to bring a chair into the water, have a smore and watch the sunset. 

I also received a trampoline for my birthday, but as I am writing this update, my dad is currently setting it up and asking mom to come and help....I will have to post pictures of that on my next update because I am sure I will be using it a lot! 

Well, until next time, stay safe and healthy...and don't forget to Mask Up! 
 PS - My mom still says "Smile" even when we wear our masks! haha

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