Monday, April 14, 2014

10 Months!

I am officially in the double digits now, the big 10 months! 
Here is what I was up to this past month...
The Luck of the Irish!
Well, I experienced my first St. Patrick's Day, and can say I like corn beef and cabbage. It was a fun filled day starting off with a special outfit to celebrate the day, followed by a special Irish dinner and music! (My mom sure likes this holiday!!) While waiting for dinner to be ready I decided to read the Northern Tool ad in the paper, because after all I love to read! I was really excited to see all the cool tools they had on sale, but something tells me I will not be getting that table saw I got excited about. (Something about it being too dangerous? ha)

Snow, Snow and More Snow...and maybe a little Spring
We were hit with snow storm #1 of the month which left us with 12" of snow. It started to come down late at night and continue into the morning hours. My dad packed up me and attempted to bring me to daycare, and quickly called my mom to say "COME HOME" because the roads were so bad (She left early to try and get to work, but didn't make it too far!) we had a family day at home which was really nice!
After about 2 weeks, the snow started to melt some because we had a few days of really nice weather and rain...but as I am finding, typical MN weather the warmer temps didn't last! We got hit with snow storm #2 last week which dumped about 10" of snow on us. It was crazy because our yard was finally clear as all the snow melted...but this last round didn't stay long and melted pretty fast!
I think Spring is finally here, and I am so happy about that! We took advantage of all the nice days and have been putting some miles on stroller! I love being able to hang out in my stroller and check out all the fun things during our walks. A special thank you to my Auntie Joy for knitting me some pretty awesome mittens to wear to keep my hands warm!
March Madness
Who knew so many people get into this basketball thing called March Madness! I even got to fill out a bracket, but like most people I didn't having the winning bracket. I was allowed to watch a little basketball on TV, but wasn't all that interested. I did get my own basket ball hoop and ball to play with in the tub to really get into the March Madness fever!  I really like playing with my new bathtub toy, and am really good and dunking the ball! (Check out my arm muscles...on this photo of me dunking the ball!)

I am a crawling machine now...and I am FAST! No more army crawling for me, I am up on all fours and can move very quickly. I roam all over the house, and like to pull myself up on anything and everything. Nothing in the house is safe anymore so a lot of things have been moved up high our taken out of the house completely. The coffee table is one of my favorite things to pull myself up on, because that is where the remotes are. (I have been known to record a few random things on the DVR to surprise my mom and dad! ha)
I keep trying to crawl over to the dog dish, but so far I have not been successful as my mom and dad stop me....The dog's food just looks so tempting, they don't understand! I try everyday, and they always stop me...I heard talk about them moving it, but I am sure I will find a way to get to it eventually.
I now have 4 teeth, and two more on the way, two on bottom (with two more coming in) and two on the top. With all these teeth I like to use them to chew on everything. I like to chew on the coffee table, but I am told I am not allowed to do that....Booo!! But, with more teeth now I am eating a lot more table food, and find I am really liking things with lots of flavor. So far the only thing I really do not like is scrambled eggs, but I love trying everything. This month I really liked my mom's chicken and swiss with stuffing, I couldn't get enough of it!
Welcome to Minneapolis
Katie and Diana came to Minneapolis to visit for a weekend. We went out to breakfast and then went on a nice walk to start the weekend off. That evening we went out for dinner too,and it was fun. There was so much to watch and see as the chef cooks everything right in front of you. Then to finish off the weekend, the following day we went to the zoo because it was so beautiful outside. We had a good time there, and I really liked seeing all the animals, but I think the fish were my favorite! We topped off their visit by taking them to Caribou Coffee, since they come from the land of Starbucks! The visit was really nice, and I am glad they had the opportunity to see me once more and see that I am a happy, healthy and very active little guy! 
As you can see, I am very active and busy...but I wouldn't' have it any other way!
Until Next Month...

1 comment:

  1. well it was great and so nice to see him growing up. Recording random sounds like his mama who also loves to push buttons even now. that is somthing that he wont grow out of. well always look forward to see what adventures he is going to have.
