Sunday, December 30, 2018

Merry Christmas & Happy 2019!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are excited for the New Year! 
We celebrated Christmas in Wisconsin and Minnesota with both sides of the family, and I thought I would share something fun and exciting I did over the holidays....

This year I asked Santa for a University of Minnesota Gophers hockey jersey...and the big guy came through! (Probably because I have been a good boy all year long.) 

Funny thing mom and dad are NOT Gopher fans, they bleed green and black for the University of North Dakota (who have always been rivals of the University of Minnesota). They are not thrilled with my choice of a favorite college team, but they never pass up the opportunity to make me smile! We have gone to a few Gopher Hockey games  and the best part is my cousin, Jessica, is a Men's Hockey Cheerleader for the Gophers!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are enjoying the New Year! From my family to yours, Happy 2019! 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Finally 5 Years Old!

Well, I am officially 5 years old, and to keep up with tradition I wanted to share with you my Top 10 things I did this year!

1. Playing with my toys in the backyard with my mom, dad and my cousins!

2. Our annual trip to the North Shore to hike the trails, stay in hotels (including jumping on the beds, swimming in the pools, and getting to have picnics in the woods!)

3. Watching my cousin Dominic play rugby and my mom referee. Unfortunately my dad broke his collarbone this past season, so he had to take the season off. Not to worry though, he is all healed up! (I took great care of him!)

4. Biking riding around the neighborhood (and eating carrots from the garden...yes, at the same time!)

5. Spending time at the Children's Museum and of course getting to play games! (My current favorite is Pie Face!)

6. Halloween Time! This year I dressed up as a Policeman and got to go out trick-or-treating with my friends (with mom and dad too of course!). We also carved pumpkins and they turned out great!

7. Playing in the snow! (Who doesn't love building a snowman!)

Speaking of snow...we love going to the outdoor festival on the lake...yes, on the frozen lake! This year they had a giant swing which was by far my favorite thing to play on!

8. Preschool Graduation...yes, it is official I am off to Kindergarten in September and will be in the Class of 2031!

9. Spending time with my Auntie Kimmy and Uncle Kevin! Now that they are officially back in the U.S.A. for good, I love getting to spend as much time as possible with them! (Between the ice cream and pixie sticks, I think you can tell they spoil me like crazy!!)

10. Once again this year I got to enjoy spending as much time as we could at the lake! Since my daycare had a whole week off for her vacation, I got a mini vacation of my own at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa!  (Ok, mom and dad and the rest of the family joined in too on the weekend!)

I had a blast fishing with Dominic, having s'mores by the fire, swimming, and just spending quality time with everyone!

That is about it for my Top 10 for turning 5 years old, hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to see what this year will bring with more adventures and fun!
- Donovan