Friday, September 13, 2013

3 Months!

3 months and going strong...and I do mean strong! I am now 15 lbs and am 25 inches long. I am growing like a weed I am told, and not afraid to use my voice when I want to! I am definitely the talker now, and I like to talk all the time, especially when there are people around to listen and give me their full attention (which seems to be all the time!). I am on the verge of giggling too, but I just can't seem to get it out, but it will happen soon!

On August 24th I was baptized into the church! There were about 15 people there to share in the event which took place after mass. I wore my dad's baptismal outfit during mass, and then I put on my mom's family baptismal gown for the baptism. (I was the 3rd generation to wear the gown, so it was kind of a big deal!)
Donovan in daddy's baptismal outfit.

Putting on the Gown - Donovan wasn't impressed!
I didn't even cry - the water was really warm!
Donovan with his Godparents, Tracy and Mau along with Deacon Dave.

After the baptism we went back to the house and had some food and cake to continue the celebration.

I found my thumb, and boy do I love it! Sometimes I try and get both of my thumbs in my mouth at the same time, but it doesn't really work so well. 
I also like to hang out with my dad while he is working on the computer. I think I already have the hang of how to code so my dad lets me help him out a lot!
Stayed tuned for next month's update, as I hear I get to experience cereal for the first time! 
Until then, here are two more pictures of me!
Still loving my Tummy Time!
My mustache pacifier always gets some good laughs!